Our first online AGM was successfully held on May 5. A total of 25 alumni participated, a great turnout, so it may be worth considering using Zoom for future AGMs to make it easier for alumni outside of London to attend. In addition to the usual reports, the two most important items on the agenda were the confirmation of the new executive and planning for South’s 100 th Anniversary.


After acknowledging the retirement of two directors, Nancy Jane Coups (’56) and Kyle Hollis (’03), we were delighted to welcome two new first-time members to the executive: Barbara Hoover (’72), a recently retired lawyer, who is serving a one-year term as interim secretary for Judy Sumner (’68), and Nick Jaremko (’20), who will provide an important voice on behalf of our younger alumni. We are also happy to welcome back Mike Bloxam (’01), a former director who will be the manager of our website. (Note: The complete executive list is posted on the website.)


Plans are going ahead for a 2-part celebration, as outlined in the spring newsletter. Proposals are as follows:

While this event will include a social component, there will be an important formal component, marking 100 years since the first day of classes were held at the old Victoria school. Alumnus and former principal, Paul Mennill (‘62) (staff, 1986-89), has agreed to speak at this event which will also include the dedication of a memorial plaque to celebrate South’s “birth”.

SOUTH COLLEGIATE – MAY 26 to 28, 2023
Friday, May 26: Registration & Pub (7 to 11 pm)
Saturday, May 27 (9:30 am to 4 pm): Decades rooms, as well as a variety of other special displays and activities inside and outside the school; food trucks/booths for snacks and lunches
Sunday May 28: Teachers’ brunch, family picnic, & activities on the playing field
A number of wonderful suggestions have already been made regarding all aspects of this important celebration – ideas for promotion, displays & activities, food, commemorative items, etc. The 11-member SCAA executive will naturally be involved, but we can’t do it alone. To make South’s 100th successful, we need… SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE FROM ALUMNI!


To have committees (including chairs) in place by this September for each of the following areas…
Promotion: Publicize the events of May 26 – 28 so that as many alumni as possible are made aware of what is planned, and how to register
Finance: Set up a bank account, establish budgets, arrange for receiving all income and for bill payments
Registration: Organize a system to register all attendees and issue identification name-cards
Hospitality: Organize food and drink provisions, including liquor-licensing
Historical Displays: Prepare “decade rooms” and hall displays
Entertainment & Activities: Plan and organize school-based activities
Chronicling: Provide for a full digital record of the Reunion weekend
CAN YOU HELP? If so, please contact Pete Telford:


At South’s 85th , we made an effort to acknowledge our most senior alumni and we would like to do that again, starting with this fall’s issue. Alumni who graduated between 1940 and 1950 are now between 90 and 100 years of age. While we have a lot of names listed in our database, we know our records are not up to date, so if you know any living alumni who graduated in the 1940’s, please let us know:
I would also like to do a feature on some of South’s 3 (or 4) generational families. I am already aware of two such families (the Mennills and the Ramers), but I know that there are more out there, and as we celebrate 100 years of South’s existence, it would be nice to acknowledge these families with such long-lasting ties to South. So, if you are part of such a family or know someone who is, let us know.


Plans are well underway and there is a link on the SCAA website to the website they have set up: Depending on COVID restrictions, the preferred date is Oct. 15, 2021, with a backup date of May 22, 2022 and the gathering will be at the Highland Country Club. Please forward your email and any other classmates that you are in contact with to John Hay (

– Connie (Woods) Weir (’66)