The Spring 2013 edition of Lions’ Pride is now available for download.
- photo, 85 Years of Pride, window display/showcase
- alumni association history and highlights:
- founders
- alumni give$ back to school
- homecomings, reunions
- newsletter
- projects of preservation and restoration
- four (4) SCAA board profiles
- class reps, profiling 1938’s Tom Hammond + 1939’s Ruth (Keene) Insole
- In Local News, five (5) alumni spanning grad years 1959 to 2002
- photo, 1935 staff, results for who’s who?
- Sumner family thankful for tribute to Jack
- In Memoriam honours 17 alumni, classes 1936 to 1979, incl. Barbara (Holmes) Hyatt and Chuck Dalton
- list thanks SCAA board execs over the years