The Spring 2012 edition of Lions’ Pride is now available for download.
- remembering the ‘Confederate’, South’s mag in the 1960s
- alumni basketball highlights
- class of 1956, four friends 56 years later
- playwright Jason Ripp (staff, 2006) stages ‘Beard: a Few Moments in the Life of Roy MacDonald’ (1956 grad)
- Dr. Sylvia (Horowitz) Solomon, class of 1968, authors ‘For the First Time’, on the journey from career to retirement
- profiling Dan Knight, class of 2007, both SCAA director as well as chair for 85th Anniversary
- update on projects for 85th reunion, Gathering on the Green, 50 years for class of 1963
- author Joyce (Simmons) Shawyer, class of 1957, nods to Byron in historical novel, ‘Legend of the Paymaster’s Gold’
- musical feature on Kerry Benson, Geography Teacher (1965-73) and the staff band, now London Concert Band
- In Local News, eight (8) alumni, grad years 1962 to now
- Mail Box, alumni letters to editor
- Ted Hessel, 1953 grad, 1971-76 teacher wins Alumni Western’s highest honour, Dr. Ivan Smith Award
- Bocking family of grads, all in medicine
- photo, 1947 who’s who?, kids playing hockey near Coves
- further tribute to late Marie Smibert, top academic for class of 1936
- In Memoriam honours 10 alumni, classes 1927 to 2003, incl. 1965-68 teacher, Terry Roberts
- AGM May 17 + homecoming on hiatus