Fall Newsletter
The fall newsletter is finished and will be posted on the alumni website November 4th. Copies were distributed to all members of the SCAA executive before our Zoom meeting on October 27th and their feedback has been incredibly positive. Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as they have. The issue is the longest we have ever done – 13 pages. Some of the special features include a cover article on the history of South, an article recognizing 3 of our “super seniors”, grads from the 1940’s, and an article featuring 3 of South’s many multi-generational families. There was a great response to our request for information from alumni who are part of such families and we now have a list of several more families to feature in future issues. Note: The print copies will only contain 10 of the 13 pages because of postage costs, but alumni can check the online version to see what they missed. Hopefully, the print copies will be in the mail by the end of the first week of November.
Future Reduction in Printed Copies
A note on the final page explains our desire to cut down on the number of mailed copies. The cost for envelopes, address labels and stamps to mail close to 350 newsletters is quite substantial. Featured alumni will continue to get them, as well as those who depend on printed mailed copies. Those alumni are being asked to confirm they wish to remain on the mailing list. Alumni who have been getting mailed copies but are happy to read the newsletter online can email us to that effect.
South’s 100th Anniversary
Although the first part of South’s 100th (Sept. 9, 2022, 5 – 8 pm) is still almost a year away, we are concerned that the needed organizing committees are not yet in place. The SCAA Executive members have all indicated their area of interest, but we are only 11 in number, not enough to organize and “run” this reunion, especially the Spring weekend, May 26-28, 2023. So, if you have the time and especially if you live locally, please consider volunteering to serve on one of the following committees:
Promotion: Publicize the events of May 26 – 28 so that as many alumni as possible are made aware of what is planned
Finance: Set up a bank account, establish budgets, arrange for bill payments and receiving all income
Registration: Organize a system to register all attendees and issue identification name-cards
Hospitality: Organize food and drink provisions, including liquor-licensing
Historical Displays: Prepare “Decade Rooms” and Hall Displays
Entertainment & Activities: Plan and organize school-based activities
Chronicling: Provide for a full digital record of the Reunion weekend
CAN YOU HELP? If so, please contact us: contact@southalumni.ca
– Connie (Woods) Weir (’66)