The Spring 2014 edition of Lions’ Pride is now available for download.
- feature on upcoming homecoming banquet to honour two football teams from 50 and 25 years ago
- alumni basketball’s 2014 champs span grads from ‘76 to ‘09
- hockey wins OFSAA gold
- mailbox, letters and emails to SCAA
- In Local News, spans grad years 1967 to 2001 and Bob Mann’s staff years ‘65-‘73
- profiling 1927 grad, Mabel (Williams) Williamson, along with 1927 trivia
- LSCI’s name, formerly known as ‘Byng’?
- In Memoriam honours 12 alumni, spanning grad years 1936 to 1998 and also staff Ken Wooster and Harold Kennedy
- closing tidbits on Prowl the Pride walking tour, AGM in May, directory of entrepreneurial alumni, and supporting SCAA