The Fall 2011 edition of Lions’ Pride is now available for download!
- photos / feature Oct. 7 Homecoming, football, tailgate pub, kick-off by all-star football alum (1972), John Glassford
- winner, 75th Anniversary Award, Dance Teacher, Allison Gamble
- commencement + intro new Principal, Catherine Davidson, and new Vice Principal, Todd Woollings (1998 grad)
- Keene family generations at South
- volunteer for 85th anniversary + grounds beautification + student council photo restoration
- free biz directory promotes entrepreneurial alumni
- two (2) theatre productions have ties to South
- photo, 1940s Air Cadets, who’s who?
- feature ‘South Wind’, LSCI’s first student newspaper (followed by the Confederate, then the Oracle)
- In Local News, eight (8) alumni spanning classes 1988 to 2005
- Mail Box, alumni letters to editor
- more memories of Jeannie McRobert
- In Memoriam, 17 alumni, spanning classes 1932 to 1974 , incl. SCAA founding member, Ken Smith (1947)
- ‘Old South News’ snippet remembering Jessie MacFarlane: OSN publisher Ken Ramer (1970), son Mike (2001)