The Spring 2011 edition of Lions’ Pride is now available for download!
- Miss Jean McRobert, teacher ’31-’69
- Chuck Dalton, class of ’46, basketball star & Olympian
- Sarah Pajuk (class of ’88) Art Purchase Award
- 98 years young, Larry Barton, class of ’30
- SCAA activities (3): landscaping beautification, Gathering on the Green, auditorium’s Rattle & Hum campaign
- In Local News (10): Bloxam, Colfax, Cocker, Dohnberg, Gooden, Knight, Lazenby, Malinich, McClenaghan, Shackleton
- Mail Box letters from you/alumni + Who’s Where
- generations of South families (3): Bloxams, Mellors, Nesbitts
- Memorium (7): Bolton, (Smith) Boundy, Duncan, Liddiard, Smith (teacher), Stephenson, White